76 Auction Records, May 16th, 1918 RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS -C'o s. d. The Eevs. Williams, Mofiat and Knibb, and Captain Pritchard (4) ...... 140 The Eev. Waterhouse superintending the landing of missionaries at Taranaki 150 Rev. J. Williams, and Eev. W. Knibb (2) .................. 12 Eev. J. Williams, small, two copies, one in colours (2) ............ 060 The Ninth Hour The Saviour Blessing the Bread Birth of the Saviour Holy Family, on music, two copies, and one other (6) ............ 10 Descent from the Cross, stamped mount The Ascension Ninth Hour Birth of the Saviour, and Holy Family, on music (5) ......... 14 The Ascension The Descent from the Cross The Saviour Blessing the Bread, and The Holy Family, all stamped mounts (4) ......... 1 10 The Crucifixion, small, on stamped mount It is Finished The Birth of the Saviour Raphael's Cartoons, etc. (8) ..... ............ 14 The Descent from the Cross- The Saviour Blessing the Bread, stamped mounts Ninth Hour Ascension, etc. (6) .................. 140 The Crucifixion The Holy Family, both large, on stamped mounts, and The Slaves (3) ..... , ........................ 120 The Crucifixion, small, on stamped mount It is Finished Infant Samuel The Crucifixion, large, and three Raphael's Cartoons (7) ...... 12 PORTRAITS. The Queen, and Prince Consort, on balcony (2) ............... 18 The Duke of Wellington, without, arm, stamped mount ............ 16 Princess Eoyal, stamped mount ........................ 260 Lord Nelson, with full lettering ... , .................... 14 Sir Eobert Peel, ditto .............................. 060