but is generally bought as water-glass, a very viscous liquid containing 45 per cent, of water when fresh, and approxi- mating to the formula Na 2 O, 2Si0 2 , 8H 2 O. The alkali content may be estimated by direct titration with acid and methyl orange. ASBESTOS and TALC, each containing about 31 per cent, of MgO, and other magnesium silicates, are occasionally used as pottery material. The magnesia is estimated by the phosphate method. . GULLET, or broken glass, may vary in composition, and careful analysis is necessary if bought from outside. The colour of the glass should be watched. The origin of the material can probably be deduced from its analysis, thus 1 SiO z . Al,0,. PbO. CaO. I Na,0. K 2 0. Combustion tubing Window glass .... Crown 75 69 67.5 7.5 1.5