07 Dec

with 30,000 men, and forces them to retire. General Wurmfer repalTes the Rhine. Every day there are fkirmifhes near May ence. Miaczinfki is executed — his depofitions againft Pethiou, Genfonnet, and others, not •being proved. 23. The allies attack the :amp of Famars, and the whole line from Orchies to Maubeuge. A bloody aftion during the whole day. The French fecretly during the night aban- clon the camp of Famars. Riots in Paris, on account of the arreft of Hebert, compiler of a gazette cidled Le- Pere-du-Chefne. Count d'Artois joins his brother at Ham. It appears that fix patriotic merchants of Holland had promifed Dumourier four millions of florins, provided he conquered the country. Le Gendre propofes to exclude from the convention all who voted for the appeal to . the people. The two parties in the convention come to aftual blows; and confufion and diforder continue for three hours. The anti-jacobins obtain the upper hand at Lyons, and 400 perfons are facrificed.

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