academy of fcience for the purpofe of bring- ing weights and meafures to one uniform ftandard. The tide of Dauphin changed to that of Prince Royal. Rewards are decreed to all thofe who flopped the King. A committee is appointed to manage national domains; that is, the confifcated property of the King and clergy. Decreed, that if within a month the King do not take the oath to the nation, or if he retra<5l it, he fliall be adjudged to have forfeited the crown. Decreed, that the guard for the King Hiall not exceed 1 200 foot, and 600 horfe. Thofe who may be placed in fucceffion to the throne to have no other title than that of French princes. Regiflers of the births, marriages, and burials, of the royal family to be depofited in the archives of the national aflembly. Suppreffion of the payment of a mark of filver, which was heretofore required from fuch as were deputed to the legillature. * [ i6 ] Decreed, that every law relative to taxes fhall