2. Letter of Manuel to the King, beginning with thefe words, " I do not love kings." 5. Fires and mafiacres at St. Domingo. 6. The Abbe Fauchet preaches at the Pan- theon. 7. Riots at Paris on account of a falfe rumour of the King's flight. Great fires in the town of Haquenau. Decreed, that the property of emigrants be- longs to the nation j order for its fequeilra- tion. Riots at Noyon about corn. Infurreftion at Dunkirk, 1 4. The red bonnet becomes the general fafliion. Aflaffination at Mount Heri. Infurreftion at the Fauxbourg St. Marceau, on account. of the fcarcity of fugar. Struggle between the clubs of the Jacobins, and the Feuillants; the latter fo called from a religious fociety of that name, at whofe houfe they met. I 7. De Leflart denounced by Fauchet. 22. Motion, that no deputy be permitted to go to the clubs of Jacobins or Feuillants. [ 24 ] 28. Treaty of Pilnitz between the Emperor and Pruflia.