March I . Death of the Emperor Leopold II. 3. Seditions at Etampes; Simoneau, -the mayor, aflafTmated. De Leilltrt, miniller for foreign affairs, fent to the prifon of Orleans. ^ 15. Death of Guftavus III. king of Sweden. Total change of the King's minifters. Decreed, that the King {hall pay taxes like all other perfons. 1 9. Jourdan, and his accomplices at Avigndifi acquitted. A new guard begins to do duty about the King. Roland appointed by the King miniiler of the interior department. Infurre(5lion at Poitou. The Swifs Cantons demand from France the regiment of Erneft. Alienation of the domains of St. Lazare, and of Mount-Carmel, two orders of knighthood,, of which Monfieur was prefident. April I. Troubles in Provence and Dauphiny, On the m.otion of Torne, conflirutional bifhop of Bourges, all peculiar religious dreffes are aboliflied, and all fecular congregations. 6. Pethion writes to the 48 fe£tions, inviting them to give a fete to the liberated foldiers