'Juh I. The Queen is informed that ftie mud fepa- . rate herfelf from her fon, whofe education is committed to Simon, a ilioemaker. Barrere reports to the alTembly, that an ih- furreftion has taken place in Corfica. 8. Condorcet is denounced by Chabot. Buzot, Barbaroux, Gorfas, Lanjuinais, &c. are declared traitors. Some other members are decreed to b^ in accufation. General Sandos is delivered to the revolu- tionary tribunal. Biron is accufed of incivifm. The French are forced to evacuate the camp of Ciefar on the Scheldt. Conde furrenders by capitulation to his Im- perial Majeily. Infurreftion at Lyons, and in feveral other departments. Declaration by the chiefs of the foyal and cathohck army of La Vendee. Admiral Truguet complains to the conven- tion of the ill ftate of the marine. 12. Charlotte Corday aflaflinates Marat; he is buried with great ceremony in the Pantheon, Charlotte Corday is executed. 14. The republicans in La Vendee are defeated by the royalifts.