07 Dec

Deputies from St. Domingo complain of ravages by the commiffioners Polverel and Santonax, who are declared to be in accu- (atlon. Rigorous decree againfl Corfica, General Paoli declared a traitor. The royalifts continue their fucceiTes. 23. Mayence furrenders to the Prullians. D'Arnaud-Baculard, an eminent writer, is guillotined for having lodged an emigrant in his houfe. Decreed, that every foldier fliall fufFer death who fliall throw away his arms to fly from an enemy. Decree of accufation againft Gen. Cufline, 27. General D'Oyre, the commandant of May- ence during the fiege, and all his flafF, put under arreft by the convention. Valenciennes furrenders to the Duke of York. The Prince of Cobourg takes pof- feflion of it for the Emperor. 29. Tremendous hail-florms at Paris. General Cuftine is fent to the Abbaye. Decreed, that every loth of Auguft fliall be celebrated as the feflival of the unity and indiyifibillty of the republic. Ordered, that every knight of St. Louis

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