07 Dec

fliall depoiit his crofs in his municipality. Decreed, that no aflignats, with the late King's effigy, under the value of ico livres, fliall have in future any value, but be re- ceived only at prcfent in payment of taxes. n 6i 3 Decreed, that all ftrangers in France, efpe- cially Englifli, be committed to prifon. Decreed, that all forefts and all crops of corn in La Vendee be burnt. Decreed, that every veflige of royalty be deftroycd. Decreed, that the trial of the Queen be commenced. Decreed, that a camp of 300,000 men be formed between Valenciennes and Paris. The invention of the telegraph laid before the convention. The effe£ls of the India company feized and fealed. The members of the revolutionary tribunal doubled, in order that they may be able to go through bufinefs more expeditioufly. 31. Engagement between the republicans and Sardinians. Motion by Danton, to pafs a national fponge over the enormous number of affignats.

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