07 Dec

dire£l that all of them be thrown into the Loire. 2. The ifland of Noirmoutier is retaken by the republicans; 800 royalifts are killed, and 1 200 are made prifoners. 3. The old marflial Luckner, and the fon of General Cuftine, guillotined. 4. Eight hundred emigrants perifh in croffing the Rhine. The States of Brabant require great contri- butions for the expence of the war. Bourdon de L'Oife complains, that the mi- nifter is ftill too monarchical, and he de- mands that one purely republican be ap- pointed. •5. The Prince of Talmond, one of the chiefs of the royalifts, is taken by the republicans near Fougeres. The remains of his army joins the Chouans. The Chouans, who now begin to be diflin- guifbed, are fo called from two brothers. t 8i ] gentlemen of that name, who were particu- larly active in levying troops in Brittany for the fervice of the royalifts. 6. Monf. d'Efpremenil, a counfellor of the parliament of Paris, and an ex-conftituent,

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