07 Dec

tribune againfl the government and confti- tution of England, be printed and fent to the patriots in the three kingdoms. The convention decrees, that all infcrip- tions on monuments fliall be in the French language. Decreed, that all property real and perfonal of the farmers-general lliall belong to the nation. Pondicherry furrenders to the Britifli. The prefident of the convention reads a letter from Vitre. " The fouls of moft of " the royalifts have been fent to the Eternal " Father; we are every day deflroying the " Chouans, thofe infernal banditti." The French are active in reftoring the lines of Weiffembourg to cover the fiege of Fort- Louis. The Baron Latude guillotined ; he had lived many years in the Baflille, and was called . the proof and viflim of defpotifm. The committee of public fafety remove Simon, the flioemaker, from the office of tutor and preceptor to the fon of Louis XVL confined in the Temple; and refolve that there is no need of any other in his place*

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