07 Dec

chiefs of the Chouans, contrary to the faith of the treaty, are feized and brought up to Paris. 2. The convention ratifies the peace with Spain. The laws of divorce fufpended. All the departments make great complaints . to the convention of a fcarcity. 3. The eight chiefs of the Chouans, Comartin, Jarry, Gazel, la Nourraye, Salignac, Du- four, Boifgontier, and de la Haye, delivered to the military tribunal, Diforders at St. Omer's. The workmen at the wharfs at Paris refufc to work without two hundred livres a day wages. C '3' ] 4. Boudin moves to put an end to the revo* lution.' 6. The colonies decreed a part of the French empire. 8. Journahfts denounced ; feveral deputies ar- reted, among whom is Lequinis. More deputies denounced j Dupin, Piori, Po, Maffieu, Chaudron, Rouffeau, Fourche, . . and la Planche, decreed in a ftate of accu- fation. The Count Sombreuil, the Biihop of Dol,

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