07 Dec

Infurre^ion at Arras for bread. The convention orders a fchool of 200 ap- prentices to watch-making. 26. Bellifle is fummoned by the Englifh, and re- turns a refolute anfwer of defiance. A complete vi^lory obtained over the Spa- niards. 27. The emigrants in England are put under the orders of Puiffaye, and difembark at Quiberon. The deputies PeylTard and Forreftier con- demned to prifon. Prieur de la Mame and Albitte efcape judgment by flight. The value of a louis-d'or is up to 1000 livres. All citizens from 16 to 60 commanded to ferve in the national guard ; and in their oath to fwear thefe words, " Hatred againfl " Kings." Decreed, that murders, which were to be puniflied with 20 years imprifonment, {hall in future be punilhed with death. C 126 ] A member propofes that the convention (hould look back and punifli all judiciary alTafTmations, abufes of authority, malTacres, and arbitrary a(5ls committed fmce the ifl

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