horror of the moment, when he was obliged to tear himfelf away from them. On his return to his apart- ment, the King paffed almofh the whole of the night in prayer. He then laid down and flept a few hours, and early in the morning betook himfelf again to prayer. The 2 1 ft of January, at half paft eight o'clock Santerre, the commandant-general, came to fignify to Louis the order for his going to execution. Having requefted three nynutes to fpeak' with his confeffor, he then turned to Santerre, and told him that he was readv to follow him. The King croiTed the firft court of the Temple on foot ; he then entered the coach of Pethion, the mayor of Paris, with his Confeffor and two Gen- darmes. His route lay along the Boulevards, which were lined with above two hundred thouiand men in arms. All the way Louis was deeply engaged in reading the prayers appointed for perfons at the point of death. Being arrived at the Place de Louts XV, which was the place of execution, about ten o'clock in the morning, he alighted from the carriage with calm- nefs, took off his clothes himfelf, remaining in his white under-waiftcoat, untied his cravat, and opened the [ 233 ]