07 Dec

L The Princefs of MonacQ • — • I L Countefs of Choifeul ^ I R General Carteaux 1 D Count de Choifeul la Baume I L Marquis of Briant, lieutenant-general in the King's army —r- — I L Le Marquis de Pujet G R Hebert, national agent — — G R Roncin, commander of the revolutionary- army — • G R Montmoro, adminiflrator of the depart- ment of Paris G R DubuilTon, commilTary of the executive power G L Comte de Balleroy, lieutenant-general G R Gouttes, intruding bifhop of Autun — G L De Champcenetz, governor of the Tuil- leries — — I R Antonelle, mayor of Aries, ex-conftituent I R General Santerre — — J [ 248 ] R Deforgues, minifter of the republic — 1 R The Abbe d'Efpagnac G L De Chamberon, carmelite of St. Denis G L Dom. Courtin, fuperior general of Clugny G L De I'ourzel, governefs of the royal chil- dren — I

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