07 Dec

L A great number of religieufes, (nuns) G R Pache, mayor of Paris -^ I R Anfi, ex-Iegiilator — - I L De Beauvilliers, and his wife — I R L*Hui]lier, national agent S L The Count de Laftie I R The brother of General Santcrre — I R Moreau, adjutant of the army — G D De Marguerite, mayor of Nifmes, ex-con- Hituent — — G R General Haxo — S R General Moulin — S L Brillon de St. Cyr, mftitre des comptes G L Seller, auditor of accounts G R General Charbonnier I D Count de L-evis Mirepoix, ex-conflituent G L De Vigneron, prefident of the parliament of Nancy — G R Donadieu, general of brigade G L The Marquis d'Apremont G D The Marquis de Bieville, and his fon — G C 254 ] L The Marquis de Trans Q L The Vifcount de la Vallette — G D William Newton, an Englifliman — - G D The Baron de Marijuerite G L Fourteen members of the parliament of

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