07 Dec

comes to Paris. Bailly harangues him freely at the Hotel de la Ville, (sic) and the King receives the three-coloured cockade. _August_ 1. Massacre of the mayor of St. Dennis. 4. Abolition of tithes, and of all feudal rights and privileges. Louis is proclaimed the restorer of French liberty. 7. The King is obliged to recall Necker. 27. The liberty of the press is established. _Sept_. 15. The person of the King is decreed to be inviolable; and the crown of France hereditary and indivisible. 29. Decreed, that it be recommended that all church plate be brought to the mint. _Oct_. 1. The King is forced to accept and give the sanction of his approbation to the famous "Rights of Man." 5. The Marquis de la Fayette at the head of 30,000 Parisians marches to Versailles. 6. After murdering the King's guards under the windows of the Palace, they forcibly conduct both him and the Queen to Paris amidst the insults of the populace, and with great danger of their lives. 10. Tayllerang-Perigord, bishop of Autun, proposes that the nation should seize the property of the clergy. 12. Decreed, that the National Assembly be removed from Versailles to Paris. 15. The Duke of Orleans obtains leave to go to England. 19. The first sitting of the National Constituent

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