07 Dec

Melancholy accounts laid before the convention, of the wretched state of the interior parts of France. 6. Houchard attacks the Austrians near Landau. The garrison of Mayence, and the camp of Famars, make a sally; a number of men killed. 8. A warm attack at Costheim. A battle also at Longwy. This day was a day of general fighting, in all the armies. 9. General Dampierre dies of his wounds. Lamarche takes the temporary command. 10. The convention holds its first sitting in the hall of the Tuilleries, now called the National Palace. Battle of Hasnon. The convention is disposed to grant to Dampierre the honour of the Pantheon; but Danton proposed, and carried a decree, that no one should obtain that honour till 20 years after his death. 7. Custine is appointed general of the northern army. The elector of Bavaria renounces his neutrality, and orders his contingent of troops march. General Miranda is acquitted by the revolutionary tribunal; and receives a civic crown from the people. General Valence, who had gone over to the Austrians with Dumourier, is ordered to quit the states of the empire.

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