Furious declamation of Robespierre against the British government. 30. General O'Hara, commander at Toulon, taken prisoner by the French. The inhabitants of Marly send to the convention all the precious effects of the palace of Marly, and all the iron of the famous works of that place. Decreed, that all the lakes and marshes of the republic be dried, and sowed with grain of various sorts. _Dec_. 1. The Jacobins of Nantes drown 90 priests destined for Guiana, by sinking the ship in which they were embarked. Madame du Barry, the Duke Chatelet, the two Rabauts, members of the convention, Kersaint and Noel, members also, are all guillotined. The ex-minister Claviere kills himself in prison. One hundred and fifty persons guillotined at Dunkirk. The festival of an ass celebrated at Lyons, in derision of religious worship. Collot d'Herbois informs the convention of the massacres which he has executed at Lyons. The right wing of the Austrian army takes 1200 prisoners, and kills 1700. The Prince of Condé takes 7 cannon, and kills 1300 men.