07 Dec

3. The third test is Adaptation. Is Christianity suitable to man ? Is it adapted to the ends which 138 A Busy Life. it is intended to accomplish? Every system of truth must stand this test. Does Christianity ? I answer: It professes to supply man's spiritual needs and to be adapted to this end. Now what are these needs, and what are the adaptations of Christianity to them? (1.) Man needs the knowledge of certain truths, and deep convictions in respect to them. Christi- anity embodies these and challenges human belief on the authority of God. The man Avho believes in Christ as a Saviour, and accepts his teachings is at rest in respect to that immense mass of truth, as he can never be from the mere inductions of reason. (2.) Man needs reconciliation to God. In Chris- tianity the way of peace is opened up through the blood of the cross. From the very nature of the case, he who trusts in that blood, as he is warranted to do, must be at peace. (3.) Man needs forgiveness. Christianity opens the w^ay by which God can be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. He who believes the record and accepts and trusts the Saviour as offered in the gospel, must know the blessedness of him whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin

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