07 Dec

Frankfort. _June_ 3. A civic fête in honour of M. Simoneau, mayor of Etampes, massacred the 3d of March in an insurrection. 6. Massacre at Brussels. Reduction of the monies allowed for the pay and entertainment of the King's ministers. 8. The King refuses to ratify the decree for encamping 20,000 men near Paris. 13. Roland, Claviere, and Servan, dismissed from the ministry. Ordered that all pedigrees of nobility be burnt, and all papers relative thereto. A number of patriotic gifts to support the expence (sic) of the war. The tree of liberty planted in all parts. 20. In order to force the King to sanction some decrees to which he had given a negative, the people go to the Tuilleries, break open the gates, and burst into the apartments. The King conducts himself with great firmness. The high national court at Orleans condemns Monsieur, the Count d'Artois, and the Prince of Condé, to be beheaded, and their property consequently to be forfeited. A new mode adopted for proving births, marriages, and burials.

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