07 Dec

Discourse of Thibadeau to inflame republicanism. Several communes petition for their former churches and worship; the convention passes to the order of the day. Fortier, compiler of the paper called "The "Political Correspondence" imprisoned for saying "that if all the monsters who murdered Louis XVI. were dead, not a Frenchman would shed a tear over "the tomb of any one of them." Sylverster, from the tribune, assures the French people that notwithstanding the scarcity there is no danger of starving. Cambon, who had been treasurer three years and a half, arrested. The convention grants to the Duchess of Bourbon relief to the amount of 18,000 livres; about 70l. according to the value of assignats. Credit appears to revive; 270 livres in assignats for the louis. Patroles (sic) are doubled in Paris; much apprehension is entertained. 19. The convention announces peace with the Chouans. _May_ 1. Decrees severe against emigrants. Preliminary articles signed between France and Holland. Seventy persons massacred in a tumult at Lyons. On the motion of Dubois Crancé, decreed, that three

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