07 Dec

a louis-d'or is worth 4,600 livres. The executive directory obtains a grant of three milliards, to be at its discretion distributed among the different offices. The subsistence of Paris not being assured, it is decreed, that 250 quintals (each 100lbs. weight) be levied on the departments bordering on Paris. The Cape of Good-Hope is taken by the English. The trial of Comartin, one of the chiefs of the Chouans, occupies at present the military tribunal, and all Paris. The republican generals, and many deputies of the convention are implicated in this affair. A ship full of emigrants, among whom are the Duke de Choiseul and the Count de Montmorency, is driven by a tempest into Calais. They are given up to the criminal tribunal of that city. Besides the sum above granted to the executive directory, twenty-one millions more are allowed to them. Thirty millions more added for the expences of the legislative body. 23. Public and formal audiences are given by the executive directory to foreign ambassadors. Insurrection of 15,000 peasants in the Velay. Manheim is taken by the Austrians; 394 pieces of cannon are found in it. Worms and Spires are retaken by the Austrians.

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