07 Dec

Pressavin 183 Royer 199 Thierrier 204 Z. Prieur 166 Royt 187 Thirion 171 Zangiacomi 169 Prieur 214 Rualt 189 ****** RESULT OF THE THIRD SCRUTINY. PRESIDENT VERGNIAULT. "CITIZENS! "I am going to pronounce the sentence of rigour against Louis. "When justice has spoken, humanity should then make her voice heard. "I intreat the members and the tribune to observe profound silence. "The assembly is composed of 745 members: 1 of these is dead--6 are "sick--2 absent without assigning any reason--11 are absent with "leave--4 have not voted; the total is 24, which, being deducted "from 745, there remain 721 voters, of whom the absolute majority is "361. "36 are for death, leaving the time of it to be discussed hereafter. "9 for death, with respite. "2 for death, after a peace. "2 for chains. "319 for confinement. "366 for death. "CITIZENS, "The punishment pronounced against Louis is DEATH." ****** THE APPEAL OF LOUIS XVI. "I OWE it to my honour, I owe it to my family, not to subscribe to an "accusation which I have not merited. I declare therefore, that I

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