07 Dec

23d of August, 1754, ascended the throne the 10th of May, 1774, and reigned eighteen years and three months. ****** The following dates relative to the destiny of this prince have been brought together and contrasted. 21st April, 1770, Marriage of Louis at Vienna, and delivery of the ring. 21st June, 1770, Great rejoicings at Paris on account of his marriage. 21st January, 1772, Festival doings in the city on account of the birth of the first Dauphin. 21st June, 1791, The King's departure, or rather flight to Varennes. 21st September, 1792, Abolition of Royalty. 21st January, 1793, Louis beheaded. ****** THE LAST WILL OF LOUIS XV1. IN the name of the most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, this day, the 25th of December, 1792, I, Louis XVI. by name, King of France, having been four months shut up with my family in the Tower of the Temple, at Paris, by those who were my _subjects_, and deprived of all communication whatever, even, since the 11th of this month, with my family; being moreover involved in a trial, of which it is impossible to foresee the issue, on account of the passions of men, and for which there is no pretence nor motive in any existing law, having none but God for witness to my thoughts, and to whom I can address myself, I here declare, in his presence, my last will and

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