07 Dec

L De St. Palaye, counsellor (sic) of the chamber of accompts M L Maussabrê, aide-du-camp to the Duke de Brissac M R Desmarais, chief in the office of assignats M R Amelot, director of the Caisse de l'Extra-ordinaire M R Garat, cashier of the public treasure M L Hèbert, general of the Eudists, (a monastic order) and confessor to the King M L Deprès, vicar-general of Paris M L Langlade, vicar-general of Rouen M L Bonneau, vicar-general of Lyons M L Defoucault, vicar-general of Arles M L Defargue vicar-general of Toulon M L Delubersac, almoner to the King's sisters M L Turmenyes, grand master of Navarre M L Comte de St. Mart, colonel M L Dewittgestein, lieutenant-general and cordon rouge, _i.e._ commander of the order of St. Louis M L The Abbè de Boisgelin, agent-general of the clergy of France M L Thirty Swiss officers M L De Rohan Chabot, brother of the Prince of Lèon M L Dechamplost, principal valet de chambre of the King M L Thirty officers of the King's guards M D Romainvilliers, chef de division M L Decharnois, a man of letters M D Delachesnaye, chef de division M R General Dumourier P R De Bournonville, minister of war I

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