07 Dec

the forge. There were plowshares to be heated - hammered and shaped to properly cut into the unplowed fields. There were mower blades to be sharpened by the proper use of an emery file - wagon wheels and buggy wheels, their tires to be reset. Horses were brought in for shoes to be fashioned and fitted, whether for travel on the open road or work in the fields about the farm. The high light of the afternoon came when Fred 28 called, "come pump the bellows for me". Thrilled and excited, I watched closely as he adjusted the smoldering coals. The slowly intensified heat fired the metal to the proper degree for shaping by skillful use of the big hammers against the anvil. The glow of that open fire has not faded. Hammers striking the anvil created rhythmic sounds that have reverberated in memory - a strange, lingering strain of music. 29 The First Flowers of Springtime No sooner had Winter given place to the warm sunshine and balmy air of Spring than, in sheltered corners of the yard, "Violets" could be found. Barely rising above the brown earth, their soft blue petals seemed to reflect the azure hue of Springtime skies. The dainty, fragile "Spring Beauties" appeared here and

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