In the midst of all this, a corner of Mother's mind was given to plans for the traditional Fourth of July dinner - fried chicken, fresh peas and new potatoes, with home-made ice cream. The "weatherman" would determine whether the garden would produce the new potatoes and fresh peas, and the fried chicken would depend on the whims and fancies of one or another of the old hens scratching around in the orchard. Mother shopped carefully among the neighbors for a "sure to hatch" setting of eggs to be turned over to the care of the first hen who indicated she was ready to take on the responsibility of raising a family. 32 I thought I was for sure heing initiated into the business of raising chickens when Mother permitted me to "mark" the eggs to be placed under the prospective mother hen. This, I was told, was done to tell them apart from a fresh egg some other hen might sneak in and deposit in the nest. This identification was accomplished with the stopper from the bluing bottle - the design created was immaterial. The calendar was marked to a date three weeks hence. As this date approached the eggs were carefully watched. This inspection was to determine if by chance some frisky little rooster might be pecking at his shell - demanding an exit. On their first appearance, these