07 Dec

that exalteth a nation; and that the sin which is a reproach to any people may be wiped oat. TO HIS CHILDEEN. I. My Dear Son: — Twenty-one years ago to-day you were born into this world. It was a day of great gladness to your mother and me. During all the long years that have elapsed, you have been the object of our fondest love, and most anxious care. Your shortcomings have caused us the most pro- found grief; your success and Christian character and conduct, the deepest gratitude and joy. To-day you cease to be a boy, and become a man. Not only really but legally. Deeply interested as I am in you, I felt that I could not let the day pass without marking it by some special communication. Had I money to give, gladly would I endow you with wealth. But "silver and gold have I none, yet such as I have" I freely give. You are a professed Christian, and I hope a real one. It would hurt me more than I can tell, to think you were not. Now, 1. Keep close to Jesus; trust him; follow him; obey him; come what may, be loyal to him. 2. Never omit prayer, morning and evening, on any account. Be afraid of no one. You come of a (204)

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