07 Dec

To His Children. 205 praying family, on both sides, for generations. Your heritage is many prayers. When you have a home, keep up the honored customs of family worship. Let no company or crowd of business prevent it. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Go to church regularly; wet or dry, cold or hot, be in your place. Make the very most of the services. At home, give the day to the Bible and religious reading, such as will make you better. Put out of the way everything secular. 3. Aim to be an active, useful Christian. Do your part in the prayer-meeting, Sabbath-school, and the business of the church. Never let it be said that is of no account. Be sure that you always count one. 4. Always, everywhere, at all times, be on the side of truth and righteousness. Never permit yourself to be in an equivocal position. Never permit yourself to be on the wrong side of any question. 5. Keep clear of all use of intoxicating drinks. Never taste them, not even wine or beer. Keep clear of all games of chance. Have nothing to do, that you can possibly help, with men that drink or gamble. All companionship with them will corrupt you and damage your reputation.

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