difficulties you must encounter, if you attempt to be faithful. If you run unsont by Jesus Christ and his Spirit, in the whole of your ministrations you must act the part of a thief and a robber, a pretended and treacherous ambassador of Christ and his Father, and a murderer of men's souls, not profiting them at all. What direction, what support, what assistance, what encouragement, what reward, can you then expect? Ponder, therefore, before God. Have you taken this honor to yourselves? or were you called of God as was Aaron? Has Jesus Christ sent you to preach the gospel, and laid upon you a delightful and awful necessity to preach it?" These are weighty words, and demand your serious consideration. One thing more: Do not be in haste to complete your theological studies. Take plenty of time. Make thorough work. Be sure you are familiar with your Hebrew Bible and Greek testa- ment. Go to the bottom of the great questions that will often rise and demand an answer. See that you are well established in Ihe faith, that you 224 A Bus7j Life. fully understand it, and can make its principles plain. By work in the prayer meeting Sabbath- school and elsewhere acquire all possible "aptness to teach," so that when you enter on official duty you may be a workman that needeth not to be*