Nevertheless the work of building up a congrega- tion was arduous and slow. He enjoyed a great advantage in having access to the public libraries of Boston, and by hard and systematic study he was enabled to prepare himself for work in after years. In addition to his regular pastoral duties, he prepared and published a pamph- let, entitled "The Theology of New England; An attempt to exhibit the doctrine now prevalent in the Orthodox Church of New England." Dr. Daniel Dana, of Newburyport, Mass., in an introduction to this pamphlet, says: "The worthy and respected 14 A Busy Life. author of this pamphlet has executed a task of no common importance. He has presented to the churches a view of the theology of New England, as it now exists, together with the means and steps by which it has arrived at its present position. The whole work is^ marked with great care and accuracy of investigation, with great clearness of statement, and with a candor which is mingled with a decided and warm attachment to the pure principles of gospel truth. In a work involving such extensiveness of general survey, and such minute statement of par- ticulars, it would be strange indeed, were there to be found no mistakes. In the present case, it is believed, there are few, and these of small im-