07 Dec

of its students in short, for the thorough training of every pupil of the college in the precepts of the Bible. He instituted a system in his Bible classes that if carried out by the students in after life, would give them a knowledge of the Bible scarcely less than that gained in a theological seminary. At the same time, he trained them to work for others as he worked for them. Instilling into them the spirit of enthusiasm which possessed his own soul, he cheered them on in their life-work. 86 A Busy Life. The college founded in prayer as a Christian col- lege for imparting Christian education and culture, was carried out by Dr. Wallace to the fullest extent of his abilities, consecrating his heart, mind and body to the great work of his life. The theme of his inaugural address in his induction to the office of president, was the "Claims of the Bible as a Text Book in the College Curriculum," and the noble utterances in that address but foreshadowed the work of his life. He denned education to be to fit man for accomplishing to some degree the end of his being, which end was to " glorify God and enjoy Him forever." Said he, "Shall the professor spend six days in the week in drilling the student in the principles of general literature and science and never once open the Bible to teach therefrom an infinitely

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