pupils especially talented in Music - Expression - Dramatics and the like. The less talented provided the always important background. The great night finally arrived. Excitement ran high - each Teacher was anxious that her Pupils' performance would be a credit to each of them and to her effort in training them. The Hall was filled with proud parents and admiring friends. The occasion was always one of Community interest and appreciation. 46 The School Picnic Then came the last event of the year - the School Picnic. A parade, lead by the Village Band, marched down Main Street. Each room closely followed a leader carrying a flower trimmed banner which bore the Room number and in bold lettering some well learned motto or maxim. The Picnic grounds was Turner's Park, about a mile from town. The usual picnic games were arranged and properly supervised and there were swings hung from the high trees - lucky was the girl with either a father or a big brother to push her swing higher and higher while she "squealed" louder and louder. A big thrill was a ride on the boat that was rowed back and forth across the small lake at the foot of the hill. A high light of the day was the Picnic Dinner