07 Dec

lost capital. II. Facts adverse. 1. My health is such as to disqualify me for duty. I have not been able for anything like full work, for three months ; and, that too, while my duty is not heavy ; or nearly as heavy as it once was. No heavier than the PresideLt of the college ought to perform. 2. During last yr:.r, Leaving the College. 57 after the rest of four months, I could hardly perform duty, and broke down under vacation and opening work. 3. This is the third time I have given out: First, in February, 1875, continued until Commence- ment, when I was prevented from resigning by physicians and faculty. Second, in January, 1876, or rather early in previous term. Resigned in Feb- ruary, and withdrew on promise of rest. 4. For nearly three years, except last year, I have been unable to push college work as it demands. 5. If I remain here I shall be unable to do anything but the most neces- sary college work oversee, teach and preach ut little lecturing abroad, but little writing. 6. I shall be constantly subject to ill turns, and in danger of finally and completely breaking down. 7. Called to the pastorate in 1872, in Allegheny; declined. To the pastorate in 1874, in St. Louis; declined. Since that time, excepting last year, been disabled. Called again; does it not look as if it was the Lord's

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