07 Dec

it, and taught to bow in homage before the God who manifests his presence there. Is not this much the more desirable ? I submit it to the calm judgment of any clear-headed and honest-hearted man, does not this knowledge excel in importance the knowledge of the whole range of literature and science found in the most extended College curriculum, by a measure whose length from first to last is infinity ? A man may dispense with the former, but it is only at a price no man can afford to pay that he neglects the latter. Are the claims of the subjects usually granted a place in the course of study strong? Then I ask, are not the claims of Biblical literature and science a thousand-fold stronger? 2. Another special end of education is the cul- ture of the intellectual powers. This end is altogether distinct from the communi- Claims of the Bible. 89 cation of knowledge. It is also, altogether more important. And here multitudes are radically mis- taken. According to a view by far too common, education is simply teaching. The mind is a huge storehouse; the filling up thereof with various knowledge is the great business of education. He who in the shortest period, deposits here the largest mass of facts is the best educator. He who gathers knowledge most rapidly is the best student. On

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