of all wrong, all vice, all crime, all oppression, all misrule. It fights against them even unto death. It cleaves to God and the God-like. It presses on through all difficulties, in the face of all opposition, impelled by an earnest longing after the pure and holy. It is the determined friend of the true and Claims of the Bible. 97 the right. It kindles with unwonted enthusiasm as it looks forward to the day when "All crimes shall cease and ancient frauds shall fail; Returning Justice lift aloft her scale: Peace o'er the world her olive wand extend, And white-robed Innocence from Heaven descend." And withal, around it floats the atmosphere of meek- ness, gentleness and humility. Such a character, earnest, bold and uncompromis- ing in the right, is the moral character produced by the operation of the law of love in the heart; and such is the moral character to be contemplated in every educational process. The importance of such a character is obvious. It is at this present time the grand desideratum of every community, of every profession, of all orders and conditions of men. And here at the outset, I would affirm as fundamental the great principle that morality founded on religion, rooted in and growing out of the gospel of the Grace of God,' is necessary