07 Dec

bility and influence are surpassed by few. The author, from the writer of the brief local in the obscurest country weekly, up to the senior editor of the most widely circulated daily; from the writer of a fugitive tale, up to the author of the ponderous tomes that cost years of severe thought and self- denying toil the man that wields the pen, writes for the million to read, occupies a position of immense responsibility and influence. In many res- pects, and to a great extent, he forms the principles and directs the conduct of individuals and nations. He, too, should be pure, honest, upright faithful to the trust committed to him ever careful to exert his energies in the cause of religion and morality. Other classes of men might be specified. What has been said, however, is true of all to whom is committed any trust, who wield any influence. The 102 A Busy Life. well-being of society, the permanence and pros- perity of our free institutions, demand that they all should maintain an elevated morality. Men of wide and powerful influence are usually educated in the college. Here, to a great extent, are formed their principles. Here they are usually made what they are found to be through life. The system of educa- tion arranged for the college ought, then to con- template as an end of pre-eminent importance the

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