07 Dec

Is it only a myth, a creation of the imagination, a fond delusion, the product of human longings, the baseless fabric of a dream, and no more. Or, is it a a simple fact one of the eternal verities of things in which man may safely trust? This is the ques- tion before which all others drop into insignificance. Over it have been fought the battles of the ages. Around it rage the fiercest straggles of the pres- ent . Let us look and see what the truth is. Lies cause men to err. Monmouth College rejoices when her children walk in the truth. The question is simply this: Does this system, which we call Christ- ianity, stand the test of truth? Let us apply them and see: 1. The first of these tests is Intuition. Does Christianity commend itself to pure reason? Some principles we see to be false ; we do not need any proof to satisfy us that they are untrue. As soon as they are understood, all men everywhere pronounce them false. For example, the half is greater than the whole. " A proposition can be both true and false." "Injustice is right." No man needs proof to con- vince him that such principles are false. Now. any system based upon principles, which all men intui- tively discern to be false, is ilself false and mast be Walking In the, Truth. 131 rejected. All systems of truth are built on axioms,

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