religion? Or, shall we go to Confucius and learn of him, the faith, the law, the life, the inspiration and the hope that has made China what it is? Or, shall we enter the school of Brahma, and become disciples of the idolatry, the polytheism, and the pantheism of the Hindoos? Or, shall we say Gotama is our master and Buddhism our faith ? Or, shall we resurrect some one of the religions buried in the ruins of the past? Which one of all the religions that exist, or ever have existed, shall we accept as superior to Christianity? Take their several books and study them well; go into their temples and study well the worship conducted there ; go out among the people, and examine care- fully the principles which govern them, the lives they are living, the spirit that animates them, and the hopes that cheer them ; make up your verdict care- fully, thoughtfully, patiently; render it, candidly, Walking in the Truth. 141 what shall it be? Ah, there can be no question. Christianity, a thousand times over, rather than any of them. But there is a religion called " Deism." It contains two articles of faith : First, there is a God ; second, Christianity is untrue. Its simplicity commends it. One of its greatest lights, Thomas Paine, affirms " that it teaches without the possibility