07 Dec

edge and understanding as a condition of acceptance with God. Salvation is nowhere offered on such terms. A man may be very familiar with the Bible, understand well its doctrines and its precepts, be What must I do to be Saved ? 149 orthodox in his belief, a giant in defense of the truth, and very zealous in propagating it, and still perish. "Though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge * * * * and have not charity I am nothing." To this line of reasoning it may be objected that in MicahVi: 8, a different doctrine is taught. "He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God." I answer: It is evident from the context that these words are the answer of Balaam to the inquiries of Balak recorded in the sixth and seventh verses, and are to be regarded as the gospel according to Balaam, the best answer that he could give to the questions of the king ; and not a statement of the very gospel of the grace of God. But if we do regard these words as the words of Micah, still we cannot obtain an interest in the blessings in Christ in this way. For who of all the children of men can come before the Lord, and plead that they have complied with these conditions, and are, therefore, entitled to the bless-

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