07 Dec

Almighty God that he will never drink again. Yes, he will puncture his veins, dip his pen into the blood, and write down the oath that he will never drink again. He goes forth in the strength of his solemn purpose. Now, has any man a right to tempt that man to drink? Has he not the right to walk the streets in safety? Is not that so? But at every corner he meets the tempter. The open saloon, the significant signs, and the suggestive odor, all tempt him. He hesitates, he yields, he enters, he drinks, he falls. Is there not a trespass in such a case? I ask, is that man who goes forth from his home in all the strength of a high and holy purpose to endeavor to walk in the ways of righteousness to be protected? Has he no rights? The State and Temperance. 185 Do the men who tempt him not commit a trespass? What is the stealing of a bit of property, worth a dollar or two, as a trespass compared with that by which temptation has been put in his path that has led him to fall? In the second place, the wife and mother and children have rights that need protection. They are dependent upon the husband and father for support, for clothing, for shelter and education . Their all is invested in the father. Their all depends upon his sobriety, his diligence, his honesty. The intemper-

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