07 Dec

in heaven. ' ' ' To know the will of the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, was her highest hope ; and to do that will, her joyous daily task. For religion with her, as in all genuine souls, was not a thing merely to be talked about, or speculated over, but a life to be lived; a life of the Spirit, radiating happiness; a life light- ening the yoke of toil and the dull cares of the day, a life making the home a home indeed, an earthly bit of heaven, with heaven 's LETITIA GREEN STEVENSON I I love and heaven's peace, resting there like summer's twilight; a life that goes out beyond the home in gracious unaffected, neigh- borliness to rejoice with those that rejoice, and to weep with those that weep ; a life that knows and finds its share of all those works that make for the common good in the church, the city, and the world; a life that appreciates such personal honors as come un- sought, but holds these at their true value, neither exaggerating or underestimating their significance; a life that meets success without undue elation, and disappointments and sorrows without being utterly cast down in a word, a life which seeks to live over again, by faith, here amid modern conditions, the strong and wise, and deathlessly divine life of Him who walked in Galilee, and by what He was and taught and did has brought to this old tear-stained earth of ours all that it knows of a spirit which is at rest with God. * ' This, I say, was the conception of religion which was at the basis of Mrs. Stevenson's character. How well she realized her ideal, our own overflowing hearts today bear eloquent testimony.

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