07 Dec

Mrs. Letitia Green Stevenson, wife of former Vice-President Adlai E. Stevenson, and for four terms President General of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, as well as its first Honorary President General, passed away in the se- rene peace of a deathless Faith, on Christmas night at her home in Bloomington, Illinois. Of distinguished Revolutionary ancestry, Mrs. Stevenson, through Lawrence Washington and Mildred Washington, his wife was a lineal descendant of Augustine Warner, the grandfather of George Washington. She grew to girlhood in Danville, Ken- tucky, where her father, Dr. Lewis Warner Green, one of the most brilliant orators and scholars of the South, was President of Center College. On December 20, 1866, she was married in Chenoa, Illinois, from the home of her sister, Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, to Mr. Adlai Stevenson. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson moved to Bloomington, Illinois, where they have since made their home, and where four children were born to them, three of whom survive her, Mr. Lewis Green Stevenson, Chairman of the Board of Pardons, Mrs. Martin D. Hardin, wife of a distinguished Chicago clergyman, and Miss Letitia Steven- son. During the first few years of her life in Bloomington, Mrs. Stevenson devoted herself wholeheartedly and entirely to her husband and children and friends. When later she went to Washington her official position as wife of a Congressman, As- sistant Postmaster General and Vice-President, gave abundant opportunity for the impression upon contemporaneous American

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