07 Dec

word, ' ' that in coming years when my pen is laid aside, and my voice is still, that many of the 'Daughters' will turn trustingly to these pages for facts" * * * * Her pen is laid aside and her voice is stilled, and the Daugh- ters will not only turn trustingly to her for facts, but for new courage, a higher purpose and a more exalted consecration and devotion to the cause she served. The title of Honorary President General was again conferred upon her in 1898 and from that time until her death she has lived and served in honor and with honor among us. She belonged to this work by the very nature of her tem- perament and endowment. Her love of patriotism came next to her God and her family and home. To the good and growth of the Daughters she gave her best contributions of business judgment, social tact and pres- tige and that other great quality of love towards all, that made her deeply loved and the loss of which in her death has left a void that never can be filled : and when her Chapter met in mem- orial services after her death, letters of appreciation and affec- tion came to them from every side, bearing to family and Chap- ter in words most tender and most beautiful their message of re- gret, of admiration and of love. 1 6 LETITIA GREEN STEVENSON I have but imperfectly sketched the life and career of our Beloved. She belonged to her family and home? Yes! she be- longed to her Chapter and State? Yes! but in a larger sense she belonged to the Nation and we can and do all feel that she

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