"In her high position, in public and in private life, she always lived up to exalted ideals, and enjoyed the complete confi- dence of every one who had the privilege of her acquaintance, hospitality and companionship." ' ' The worker dies ; her work remains. ' ' MRS. JOHN H. BURNHAM MRS. JONATHAN H. CHENEY MRS. RALPH E. BROWN MRS. CHARLES L. CAPEN. 2O LETITIA GREEN STEVENSON LETITIA GREEN STEVENSON CHAPTER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION MEMORIAL SERVICES OF MRS. ADLAI E. STEVENSON A memorial service commemorative of the life and the passing away of Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson at her home in Bloomington, Illinois, December 25, 1913, was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, Thursday afternoon, February 12, 1914. Mrs. Sain "Welty, chairman of the Memorial Committee, presided. The letters were read by different members of the Chapter. Mrs. Welty: Dear friends and the Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution: We are gath- ered today in loving reverence to pay tribute to one whose name we have the great honor and privilege to bear Letitia Green Stevenson. As a woman her life was a constant expression of all