outlook upon the world delighted in the signs of better things for her National Society and for humanity ; as her mind was pure, as she made herself felt on the side of right and justice ; as she served her God, her country, her home, so may our souls be stirred by desires and resolves to go and do as she has done live in deeds worthy our day and generation. Illinois Daughters shall meet and shall miss the sweet pres- ence of our Mrs. Stevenson, but written upon the tables of our hearts is that which will never die. We thank God for having given to the Daughters of the American Revolution such a friend, such a helper, such a leader as was our Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson. TRIBUTE BY MBS. ELLEN HARDIN WALWOBTH, OF SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., THE ONLY LIVING FOUNDER OF THE NA- TIONAL SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ALSO HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENT GENERAL It is with mingled sadness and pleasure that I recall the first days, when, as "Daughters," we could claim Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson as our President General and leader, at a most critical period of our history. We had lost, by death, our first and notable President General, Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, and through a reverence for her mem- ory, and because the time would be short till the meeting of our Continental Congress, no one had been appointed to take her place, though an appeal had been made for such action. Great anxiety was felt by our Founders and leaders lest the platform that had been established in the appointment of Mrs. Harrison as President General, thus granting us an affiliation with the gov-