07 Dec

serene peace he passed into its clearer shining and fuller dis- closure. In the letter presented to Mr. Stevenson by the senate of the United States when retiring from the presidency of that distin- guished body, there in a sentence which seems to me to most aptly describe him. I quote in part: "We have observed the signal ability, fidelity and impartiality, as well as the uniform courtesy and kindness toward every member of this body, which have characterized your official action." This truly describes him to us all signal ability, fidelity and impartiality, uniform courtesy and kindness. Nearly six months ago a similar scene of sorrow was witnessed here. His beloved wife, the revered Mrs. Stevenson of every blessed memory, was borne hence whither we bear him today. That sad event fell heavily upon him, and we have thought he has been lonely ever since her going. But he was brave and hope- ful. Then his own strength failed ; and they who were united in life were not long separated in death. Side by side they shall sleep, their work ended, their day of life here done, the glory and the happiness of the future theirs to share together forever. Rev. Mr. Elliott closed with words of comfort for the family. ADLAI EWING STEVENSON 49 BY REV. MARTIN D. HABDIN It will fall to the lot of few of us ever to pay deep and loving personal tribute to a fuller or nobler life than that of Mr. Stevenson. In every relationship where men owe moral obligation to their God and fellows, he did his part nobly. It

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