07 Dec

paid to any man than the citizens of Bloomington today are paying? > His portrait is placed in the art department of the public library, where it may be viewed by generations to come, who will no doubt study the noble face and read in it the noble character of the man whom Bloomington honors. How true the quotation and how it applies to Mr. Stevenson, 'A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,' and his was a name without blemish and spotless in uprightness and integ- rity." GOVERNOR FIFER'S REMARKS Hon. Joseph W. Pifer, a life-long friend and near neighbor of Mr. Stevenson, said : "I am glad indeed to be here on this most interesting occa- sion. I am glad of this opportunity to voice my appreciation of the high character and standing of my old neighbor and friend, who has past on to try the realities of another world. "Mr. Stevenson's career was eminently successful. From humble beginning, without wealthy and influential friends to urge him forward, he climbed step by step until he reached the second highest position in the gift of the most enlightened and progressive people in the world. He held many places of trust and confidence, the duties of which he discharged with singu- lar fidelity and ability. Thruout his long and busy life he en- joyed the confidence of the people in an unusual degree, and that confidence he never violated or betrayed. His whole life emphasizes the fact that the basis, the indispensable basis, of all true greatness is integrity of character, and that without it all

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