07 Dec

seeming success will turn to ashes at last. ' ' Great as Mr. Stevenson was as a public man and a states- man ; distinguished as a wit and orator as we know him to have been, it was at his own fireside, surrounded by those whom he most tenderly loved, that he showed those rare qualities of love and sympathy which endeared him to us all. "I knew Mr. Stevenson intimately for nearly fifty years, and during the greater portion of that time a warm personal friendship existed between us, which admitted of no secrets. The memory of this friendship I shall cherish, while I live, as a most sacred possession. "The gift of this beautiful portrait by the good people of Bloomington emphasizes in a more emphatic manner than any words of mind can do, the tender and affectionate regard in which he was held by this entire community. ADLAI EWING STEVENSON 75 ' ' The memory of our friend will remain with us to the end, and as the years come and go, there are those who will turn aside from the busy walks of life to plant a flower and shed a tear upon his grave. We believe, too, as coining generations look upon this beautiful portrait, and call to mind his life of sacrifice and service, they will receive new inspiration and hope in the performance of life's duties." MRS. SCOTT'S TRIBUTE "Mr. Stevenson's career is proof of the fact that in this great republic, even in the whirl and swirl of political life vir- tue and kindliness and disinterested devotion to duty are still

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